Hey bloggers today I saw a giant on the mountin(it was obviosly me lollz) look at this:
Cool init try it yourself at the castle terras
Hey pandas well I havent showed you lot my panda yet sooo...Hi my panda is called imcoolxx!!
I went to a ausumm dance party heres a pic
In the photo: Board,betty,Liz,ausumdude,ricky and me!
Well it was a lovely morning on panfu,I stroll to San Franpanfu and LOOK WHAT I SEE!!
IS THAT PANFU IN THE FUTURE...or did the website have a problem umm I think website had a problem.
Ma fave hobby is soliding down the The lake slide,Its soo fun you should try it aswell im telling you!!
Everyboddy has bffs in the world well these are mine,They are always there for me and we always have good times together!!
Today I got a new job!!! In the ice bar,Its kinda fun you know just taking the order and making up a price for it Lol its creative you I like it just come over to the ice cream bar maybe im there!!
Hey people today I ate in Chez brunos with my freind Richy2 Do you know what I orderd... I orderd:Caremely rosted chicken with popcorn seasonings you will never believe but the waitoer just said...OK
Okay I go to the courtyard I speak to the bodyguard and do you know what he said:Have fun little penguin..um..I mean,Panda....HOW RUDE IS THAT...soon he is ganna get his pay back!!
Hey y,all you can always visit diffrent people like Kamaria,Lilli,The clown ect...etc... But my faverorite person to visit is Paul.Paul is fun to hang out with,Well ok he dosent move or anything but still hes better than visitin the other lot!!! Mydaughter(well on panfu) is in love with him Lollz Well heres a pic of me and him
Can you please link my blog thx
You probaly all heard that Ella broke her arm, Everbody feels sorry for her so rumor on panfu is that they ganna make a suprise for her the next time she comes..I have nothing to do with it but Lets see what happens....
Your imcoolxx
I told y,all that I will try find out the popularist location...Well I found out it depends what events are on???
If Max and Ella are there it will be the new popularist.Last time they visited the city the most..Thats probaly why the city is surrounded most times
Your imcoolxx
I have to tell y,all this creepy place is FREAKIN ME OUT!
I don't know why they made this place but for the second time ITS CREEPPYY!! I alweays try to go down there.FOR ME ITS NOT THAT EASY....Face your fears imcoolxx face your fears...
Bits and bobs have changed on panfu including the map.Panfu used to be a small island not far from land.Suddenly it started moving to the middle of the sea Near to Bitterland!!
Map before
Panfu now
Some people say the city is the most popular location, Some people think the swimming pool.
Im going to take pictures of all Locations time too time.Here is the city!! :) Please comment your opinion :) ( I have to say that is quite busy)